
a good viewです。




Nice to meet you, We are 'a good view'.
We were born in March 2023 as a specialized brand of art posters. We collaborate with a diverse range of artists from around the world who freely traverse the boundaries between art and design, not limited to categories such as painters, illustrators, and textile designers. Just as one finds solace in landscapes and greenery, we hope our art provides relaxation as you gaze upon it. We are delighted if our art contributes to the beauty of your everyday life.
May the art we offer be a "good view" for you.


■ 社 名
株式会社クォーターリポート / QUARTER REPORT CO.,LTD

■ 代表取締役
山岡 順 / Jun Yamaoka

■ 所在地
〒152-0035 東京都目黒区自由が丘3-1-15
TEL : 03-3718-4122
URL : https://www.quarter.co.jp

■ 設 立
1988年 (昭和63年) 1月30日

■ 資本金

■ 顧問弁護士
石下 雅樹(クラフトマン法律事務所)
清水 敬一(好和特許事務所)

■ カタログ寄贈先
経済産業省 特許庁所管「独立行政法人工業所有権情報・研修館」


■ Company Name

President and CEO
Jun Yamaoka

3-1-15 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-0035, Japan TEL: 03-3718-4122 URL: https://www.quarter.co.jp

■ Establishment
January 30, 1988

■ Capital
JPY 10,000,000

■ Legal Advisors
Masaki Ishioroshi (Craftsman Law Office)
Keiichi Shimizu (Kouwa Patent Office)

■ Catalog Donation Recipient
National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training(INPIT)
INPIT, an independent administrative agency under the jurisdiction of the Japan Patent Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.