コレクション: 長野訓子

長野訓子 / Kuniko Nagano
刺繍作家。アクセサリーブランドga.la代表。嵯峨美術大学卒業後に銅版画家、テキスタイルデザイナーを経て家業の刺繍業に携わる。植物の有機的なラインを生かした独特の刺繍作品は著名人にも愛され、 2015年のブランド立ち上げ以来、全国で開催される個展やグループ展で作品を発表している。

An embroidery artist and the representative of the accessory brand ga.la. After graduating from Saga University of Art, she worked as an etcher and textile designer before getting involved in her family's embroidery business. Her unique embroidery pieces, which utilize organic lines inspired by plants, have garnered affection from notable figures. Since the launch of her brand in 2015, she has been presenting her work in solo and group exhibitions held throughout the country.

Gift card

贈られた方が素敵な眺めを見つけることができる、a good view のギフトカードです。

It is a gift card that allows the recipient to find a delightful view.

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